Welcome To XollegePass!

XollegePass is a first-class educational enterprise securing students around the globe high standardized test scores, early college credit, millions in scholarships, and debt-free degrees. During the pandemic, we helped our scholars earn more than $500,000 in scholarships and free money for college!

Our services include: college admissions consulting, scholarship advising, ACT/SAT test prep, K-12 tutoring, student-athlete recruitment, early reading assurance, extracurricular mentoring, essay/resume revising, and more!

Schedule a consultation to learn more about our free, academic resources, scholarship hacks, and international opportunities for all students!

"Our commitment transforms ambition into achievement, guiding each student to turn potential into success. We don't just open doors; we inspire our students to reach beyond them."

— Normandie Cormier, Co-Founder of XollegPass