I won $9 million+ in scholarships - so can you!

Before I became a debt-free graduate with three degrees, a sought-after scholarship strategist, and a thriving educational content creator with over 200,000 followers, my journey began with winning over 50 scholarships, amounting to a staggering $9.4 million in scholarships and grants my senior year of high school.

When my story caught the attention of national and international news platforms like USA Today, ABC News, and Bloomberg, I was both excited and uncertain about what to expect. However, the response was overwhelming. Amidst the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, I took to TikTok to share my insight on everything I knew and did to win scholarships. My videos, resonating with over a million viewers, underscored a crucial message: College is expensive, and navigating scholarships and financial aid is crucial, yet daunting for many students. As noted by the Business Review at Berkeley, the cost of higher education has increased by over 100% in the last 20 years, a rate much higher than most other industries. This dramatic rise in tuition fees, coupled with the widespread belief that a college education is essential for a good living, only amplifies the financial challenges faced by students and their families. In such a landscape, finding and securing scholarships becomes not just beneficial, but often necessary for those aspiring to higher education without the burden of crippling debt.

After each TikTok post, my inbox would overflow with messages from high school and college students eager to lessen their future college tuition burdens. A recurring question was, “What's the best advice you have for winning scholarships?” This is a question I’ve encountered repeatedly over the years, and I aim to provide valuable insights on it. I believe that with strategy, organization, and persistence anyone can secure the necessary scholarships to attend college for free!

  1. Start Early, Regardless of Age: Scholarships are available for all ages, even from middle school onwards. The early months of each year are prime time for applications, with most deadlines from January to April. An early start, no matter your current grade, opens more doors and allows more time to prepare.

  2. Diligent Searching Pays Off: Use resources like peerlift.org to find meaningful opportunities. Regular searching on such platforms can greatly reduce the time spent and increase the chances of success.

  3. Maintain a Comprehensive Scholarship List: Keep an organized Excel sheet listing potential scholarships, including ones you may qualify for in the future. This foresight and organization can be a game-changer when application seasons roll around.

  4. Apply Broadly, Locally and Nationally: Don’t overlook smaller local scholarships as well as larger national ones. The combination of both can maximize your chances and potential winnings.

  5. Understand Each Scholarship's Unique Requirements: Tailor your applications to the specific criteria of each scholarship, focusing on their unique requirements regarding academics, community involvement, and personal backgrounds.

Navigating the world of scholarships is a task that's as challenging as it is beneficial. It's a game of strategic effort and time management. Picture this: you spend five hours on applications and end up winning $1000. That's effectively earning $200 for each hour of effort. Not just that, the process itself is a great primer for college applications, sharpening your skills in articulating your story and refining your essay writing.

So, stay vigilant in your scholarship hunt. Each application you complete is a step closer to a potentially transformative opportunity. Keep pushing forward and best of luck in your quest for scholarships!


Scholarships and Essential Resources for International Students